Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

We have had a busy December at preschool.    As we look back over the last month, we want to say thank you for sharing your children with us.  We look forward to watching them grow in 2012.  Happy New Year!

"I want to play Mrs. Pellicano's drinking game" ...oh dear...



sorting with spoons and tweezers

more squishing - fine motor

sorting and scooping

winding and racing




clapping to the beat of the music

reading to her friends

sharing about his new baby sister



snack! going "old school" with the popcorn


more decorating

making friends

checking out the advent wreath

pin the nose on the reindeer - did I do it?

"I need to see to do it."

not over there....

not over here
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving and our little Native Americans!

Apparently this little Indian was so fast he ran right out of his headband!

What's been going on in our room!

Practicing life skills

Scooping, measuring and pouring corn!


Squeezing and controlling how much water goes where!

Felt board story making!

Moving water from one bowl to the other, by squeezing sponges!

Working those hand muscles some more with play dough!

We all have our own spot on the carpet. Ask your child what animal they sit on!

They have even started to remember who sits next to them and help each other find their spot!

We play music  and we walk around the circle. When the music stops, we can all find our spot!

Who knew a box could be so much fun!?

Curb Side Service from Mrs. Pellicano! She is a pro at car seats!

Our Cranberry Bog!

Making Indian Corn!

More fine motor practice!

Mrs. Klee Loves to paint hands! Getting set to make our hand print turkeys!

Counting Turkeys! Each turkey has a number on its tummy and he worked til they were all in order!

Ants on a log! Yummmmy!

Tubaloo! Listening to our own voice!

Monday, November 7, 2011

55 degrees in November???We will take it!


Running in the leaves...

Tossing more leaves....

Gathering more leaves tooooooooo........

You guessed it! TOSS!!!!!!!

Such a great smile and the giggle that went with it was great!
I  found a few leaves and even a helicopter seed thingy in her hair 3 hours after they all went home! I think I lost the leaf war!!!! xoxoxoxoxox~! Mrs. Klee!