
Here are a few links to parenting resources that we LOVE

Educational Activities for Children, printable activities and coloring pages.
DLTK's Growing Together

Kid friendly activities for Pre-K children.
Nick Jr.

Where children have fun learning to read.

Friendly math and reading activities for kids.

Reading site for parents, teachers, and students.

Educational games, videos and activities for kids.
PBS Kids

A parent resource for tips and advice.
PBS Parents

Crafts, ideas and recipes for kids and parents.
Family Fun

Catholic website for kids of all ages.
Catholic Kids

Great advice for those of you that are working on toilet training your tots!
The Don'ts of Potty Training

Back to school is a great time to start consistent bedtime routines.  Check
out this step by step approach.
Bedtime Routines

Great resource for all of those questions you have about your preschooler.
Preschool Growth & Development

What you 3 year old should already be able to do or will be doing on the horizon!
Developmental Milestones for 3 to 4 year olds

What your 3 year old's preschool curriculum should look like.
Preschool Curriculum