Friday, March 23, 2012

Getting ready for the Leprechaun!!!!

We thought if we left a message outside our room on the black top we could lure him in!

We even made an arrow pointing to our door so he would know where to go!

Even our wee one with a broken leg got to come out and draw some gold coins for the Leprechaun!
Our pot of Gold!
While we were outside, we met our upstairs neighbors!
They were very happy to see us! Such friendly neighbors!
Sign of Spring!!!! And No-one stepped on it!
While some friends were checking out the goings on in the cafeteria we noticed the hand print!
We decided to sneak up on our parents at dismissal time! We headed home to wait to see if the Leprechaun would come!

 And when we arrived the next day, we were sooooo surprised to find...........................................................................................

The water in our toilet was green and there was a green footprint on the toilet seat!

Toilet paper strung everywhere!

But all we found in the trap was his boot!

And then we heard a knock at the door!

And a very Large Leprechaun came in!

Some friends were afraid, others were not!
We had a rainbow snack!
We also had shamrock rice krispie treats and green jello-jiggler gems!

Happy wee one!

He almost looks like a Leprechaun himself!

Irish for sure!

Simply adorable!