Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Snacks and Fun

Who knew Bananas could be scarey!

1- Banana on a Popsicle stick( dipped in lemon juice and water so it won't brown) 2- Roll in shredded coconut 3-Add raisins  for eyes VOILA! Banana Ghosts! A healthy snack for growing Dragons!

Thank you to Mrs. Kilroy and Mrs. Masters for the wonderful glow stick necklaces and for all their help with our celebration!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Getting Ready for Halloween!

Where is the bottom of this thing?

Scraping the sides!

Pumpkin guts and lots of seeds!   

Monday, October 24, 2011

News and Notes!

Hello Parents!

As the weather turns colder, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Our boiler is being replaced and it can get chilly. We have heat in our room, but the halls we travel to music etc are very cool. The boiler should be finished this week but you never know! If nothing else keep a sweater in their back packs.  (Each child should have a change of clothes in their bags too, just in case.)

Please help your child learn to put their own coat on. We are working on it at dismissal time at school too! Some of them can already do it, but some really need a nudge! I know that we are all busy and sometimes it is just easier (and faster) to put their coat on for them, but they can do it and will be so proud of themselves for accomplishing it! Soon I will be putting up a coat club poster and those who can put their own coat on will get their name on the poster. Later in the year we will change the poster to our zipper club poster and start working with the children to learn to zip their coats! Mrs.Klee and Mrs. P even do the zipper dance for them when they accomplish it! One step at a time! Thanks!

Please have your child bring  their  blue/white envelope into the classroom. We do not check backpacks.

We hope your child is enjoying preschool as much as we are enjoying teaching them! Thank you for loaning us your little darlings! xoxox Mrs.Klee

Monday, October 17, 2011

And they think they are playing!!!!!!!

This is easy!!! One object in each square. Wait, WHAT?! I have to do it with a spoon?!

Punching out leaves and spiders with hand punches! Great for toughening up those hand muscles! And who doesn't love a mini leaf pile!

Fall pictures to lace or sew! Or string a few together!
The letters may not make words, (yet) but she did line them up left to right and that is a beautiful beginning!
Spelling our name in Tiny letters!
A story on the carpet! This group LOVES to listen to stories!
She is washing the dishes after she prepared a great meal and tea for another friend and her piggy!
After faking a nap with some snoring friends they all wanted to help Mrs. Klee up! Is there such a thing as too much help?! 
Guess what we are learning about?!
Inside, Outside and upside down! Eeeew! Looks slimy!

Close up and personal!
Yup! It's slimy!!!!!
We learned what it takes to make a pumpkin seed grow and pulled some out of our pumpkin and even tried some for a snack!  Most tried them and a lot of children liked them and asked for more! We sent seeds home in their back packs to plant, so check their bags!
Even with all the fun (work) going on in our room, we still take time to meet on the carpet and greet each other with our hello song! Then it's on to Pledge, Prayer weather and today we started learning about the calendar!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Mrs. P in the Reading Loft sharing a story!

A long walk to music class!

Our circle was a little small today, 5 friends were absent! We hope all are well for next week!

keeping rhythm on our heads!

Playing the tamborine!

The Thunder Drum!!!!!

The rain stick was interesting!

More Thunder!

On the way back from music we took the long way around!

We learned about Columbus the explorer today too! We learned that he had so much help with him he had to have 3 ships! Ask you children if they remember the names of the ships!

A few bottle caps,  small balls of clay ,  tooth picks and  squares of paper! Put em all together and what do you get? The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria of course! And they float!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reading ( yes I said reading) our weather sentence!

Tapping our heads to the beat of our weather song! Ask your children to sing it for you!

Wash, wash, wash your hands....ask them to sing it while washing their hands at home!
Washing our hands after using the bathroom and before snack helps us stay healthy!

The leaves are changing outside and on our classroom tree too! We even have Halloween lights!

We love apple slices!

Working out the end of the day wiggles!